Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers

Here I leave you some audio files for you to practice your pronunciation on cardinal and ordinal numbers. Aqui les dejo unos archivos de audio para que puedan practicar su pronunciación con respecto numeros cardinales y ordinales.

Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal Numbers.mp3
Archivo de audio MP3 747.8 KB

0 Zero

1 One

2 Two

3 Three

4 Four

5 Five

6 Six

7 Seven

8 Eight

9 Nine

10 Ten

11 Eleven

12 Twelve

13 Thirteen

14 Fourteen

15 Fifteen

10 Ten

20 Twenty

30 Thirty

40 Forty

50 Fifty

60 Sixty

70 Seventy

80 Eighty

90 Ninety

100 One Hundred

Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal Numbers.mp3
Archivo de audio MP3 584.5 KB

1st First

2nd Second

3rd Third

4th Fourth

5th Fifth

6th Sixth

7th Seventh

8th Eighth

9th Ninth


10th Tenth

11th Eleventh

12th Twelfth

13th Thirteenth

14th Fourteenth

15th Fifteenth

20th Twentieth

30th Thirtieth

31st Thirty First

Definite and Indefinite Articles

Here there are some audio files for you to practice your pronunciation on the correct uses of the definite and indefinite articles. Aqui hay unos archivos de audio para que puedan practicar su pronunciación y el uso correcto de los articulos definidos e indefinidos.

Definite Article

Definite Article.mp3
Archivo de audio MP3 2.0 MB
the+(consonant sound) the+(vowel sound)
the sofa the armchair
the school the office
the two friends the eight children
the grapes the apples
the big dog the interesting boy
the United States the Indian Ocean

Indefinite Articles

Indefinite Article.mp3
Archivo de audio MP3 1.6 MB
a+(consonant sound) an+(vowel sound)
a sofa an armchair
a carrot an orange
a school an office
a minute an hour
a big dog an interesting boy

Singular and Plural Nouns

Only count-nouns actually have plural forms. Count-nouns represent items that exist in separated units you can count, such as apples, songs, or children.

Solo los sustantivos que se pueden contar poseen forma plural. Los sustantivos contables representan objetos que existen en unidades separadas que se pueden contar como, manzanas canciones o niños.


Non-count nouns represent items existing as a mass, such as powders and liquids (sand, water) or concepts (honesty, economics). 


Sustantivos no contables representan objetos en masa, como polvos y líquidos (arena, agua), o conceptos (honestidad, economía).

General Plural Rules


  • Usually add the letter s to the end of a singular noun to make it plural.

usualmente agregamos la letra –s al final de un sustantivo singular para volverlo plural


  • book --- books.
  • bedroom --- bedrooms.
  • apple --- apples


  • In compound nouns, add s only to the main noun.


Con sustantivos compuestos agregamos la terminación –s al sustantivo principal


  • air- conditioner ---- air- conditioners  
  • washing machine ------ washing machines.


  • Add es to a noun ending with a whistling sound (s,sh,ch,x,z) to make it plural.

Agregamos –es al sustantivo que termine con sonido (s,sh,ch,x,z) para volverlo plural.



  • bus – buses
  • church – churches
  • box – boxes
  • buzz – buzzes

  • If the singular noun ends with a consonant + y, drop the y, replace with an i and add es. Don’t drop the y, if the y is preceded by a vowel.

Si el sustantivo singular termina con una consonante + y, reemplazar la -y por –i y agregar –es. No se debe quitar la –y si este está precedido por una vocal.


  • city – cities,
  • baby – babies
  • country – countries

  • toy – toys
  • day – days

  • If the singular noun ends with a consonant + o, add es. If the o is preceded by a vowel, only add s to make the plural form.

Si el sustantivo singular termina en consonante + o, agregar –es. Si la o está precedida por una vocal, solo agregar –s para convertirlo en plural


  • potato – potatoes
  • hero – héroes
  • echo – echoes


  • radio – radios
  • studio – studios
  • kangaroo – kangaroos


Irregular Noun Plural

These nouns have unique plural forms that survived from Old English. Learn them well according to the following groups, as they are in common use.
Estos sustantivos tienen una forma única de modo plural la cual ha sobrevivido del antiguo lenguaje Ingles


a man – men
a woman – women
a person – people

a foot – feet

a child – children
a tooth – teeth


a goose – geese

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns are used to substitute the names of the people or things that perform actions on a sentence. Los pronombres personales se utilizan para sustituir los nombres de personas o cosas que realizan las acciones en una oración.

Grammatical Person


First Person
I We
Second Person
You You
Third Person





Verb to be

Use Am after the pronoun I. Use Is for singular nouns(one thing) and after the pronouns He, She and It. Use Are for plural nouns(more than one thing) and after the pronouns We, You and They.

Personal Pronoun
Verb to be
I Am









Affirmative Form:

The right structure to write sentences in affirmative form with verb to be is. La estructura correcta para escribir oraciones de forma afirmativa con el verbo ser/estar es.


Subject + Verb to be + Complement (Sujeto + verbo ser/estar + complemento)



Subject Verb to be Complement
I am sick.
She is a teacher.
He is happy.
It is a pen
We are here.
You are sad.
They are brothers.

Negative Form:

The right structure to write sentences in negative form with verb to be is. La estructura correcta para escribir oraciones de forma negativa con el verbo ser/estar es.


Subject + Verb to be + not + Complement (Sujeto + verbo ser/estar + no + complemento)



Subject Verb to be +Not Complement
I am not sick.
He is not a teacher.
She is not happy.
It is not a pen.
We are not here.
You are not sad.
They are not brothers.

Interrogative Form:

The right structure to write sentences in interrogative form with verb to be is. La estructura correcta para escribir oraciones de forma interrogativa con el verbo ser/estar es.


Verb to be + Subject + Complement? (Verbo ser/estar + Sujeto + complemento?)



Apellido Nombre Teléfono
Am I sick?
Is he a teacher?
Is she happy?
Is it a pen?
Are we here?
Are you sad?
Are they brothers?


A contraction is a shortened version of the written and spoken forms of a word, syllable, or word group, created by omission of internal letters. Una contracción es una version corta de la forma escrita y hablada de una palabra, silaba o grupo de palabras, creada al omitir ciertas letras.

Contractions on the verb to be form

Contractions Affirmative Forms.mp3
Archivo de audio MP3 661.2 KB
I am = I'm
You are = You're
He is = He's
She is = She's
It is = It's
We are = We're
They are = They're
Contractions Negative Forms.mp3
Archivo de audio MP3 922.4 KB
I am not = I'm not
You are not = You're not / You aren't
He is not = He's not / He isn't
She is not = She's not / She isn't
It is not = It's not / It isn't
We are not = We're not / We aren't
They are not = They're not / They aren't

Demonstrative Words

These are words we use to refer to objects or events that are near or far in time or space. Estas son palabras que utilizamos para referirnos a objetos o eventos que se encuentran cerca o lejos en tiempo o espacio.

  Near Far
Singular This That
Plural These Those

There are two forms of using demonstrative words as a pronoun and as an adjective. Hay dos formas de usar las palabras demostrativas, como un pronombre y como un adjetivo.


Demonstrative Pronouns: Substitute nouns. (sustituyen al sustantivo)

  • This:

        This is a pen


  • That:

        That is a book.


  • These:

        These are color red.


  • Those:

        Those are perfect.


Demonstrative Adjectives: These describe nouns. (describen al sustantivo)

  • This:

        This glass is full of water.


  • That:

        That cat is on the bed.


  • These:

        These berries are delicious.


  • Those:

        Those kids are in trouble.