Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

A comparative adjective is used to compare two things. A superlative adjective is used when you compare three or more things. Un adjetivo comparativo se utiliza para comparar dos objetos. Un adjetivo superlativo se utiliza cuando se quiere comparar tres o mas objetos.

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One-syllable Adjectives

To form comparative and superlative form of one syllable adjectives just add -er and -est at the end of the adjective. Para crear la forma comparativa y superlativa de adjetivos de una sola sílaba solo se debe agregar -er y -est al final del adjectivo.

Adjetivos de 1 sílaba Forma Comparativa Forma Superlativa
tall taller tallest
old older oldest
long longer longest


Mary is taller than Max.

Max is older than John.



Mary is the tallest of all the students.

Of the three students, Max is the oldest.



If the one-syllable adjective ends with -e, just add -r and -st to form de comparative and the superlative forms. Si los adjetivos de una sola sílaba terminan con -e, solo se debe agregar -r y -st para crear las formas comparativa y superlativa.

Adjetvos 1 silaba

terminación -e

Forma Comparativa Forma Superlativa
large larger largest
wise wiser wisest


That car is larger than that other car.

Max is wiser than his brother.



Greenland is the largest island in the world.

Max is the wisest person i know.



If the one-syllable adjective ends with a single consonant with a single vowel before it, double the consonant and then add -er and -est for the comparativa and superlative forms. Si el adjetivo de una sola sílaba termina con una consonante precedido por una sola vocal, se duplica la consonante y despues se agrega -er y -est para formar las formas comparativas y superlativas.

Adjetvos 1 sílaba

1 consonantes despues

de 1 vocal

Forma Comparativa Forma Superlativa
big bigger biggest
thin thinner thinnest
fat fatter fattest


My dog is bigger than your dog.

Max is fatter than his brother.



United States is the biggest country in America.

Mary is the fattest person i know.



Two-syllable Adjectives

If the two-syllable adjective ends with -y, change the y for an i and add -er and -est to form de comparative and the superlative forms. Si los adjetivos de dos sílabas terminan con -y, se cambia la y por una i y se debe agregar -er y -est para crear las formas comparativa y superlativa.

Adjetvos 2 sílabas

terminación -y

Forma Comparativa Forma Superlativa
happy happier happiest
angry angrier angriest
busy busier busiest


Today, John is happier than yesterday.

Mary is busier than Max.



Mark is the happiest boy in the room.

Mary is the busiest person i know.



With most of two-syllable adjectives, you form the comparative form with more and the superlative form with most. Con la mayoría de los adjetivos de dos sílabas se crea la forma comparativa con la palabra more y la forma superlativa con la palabra most.

Adjetvos 2 sílabas

Forma Comparativa Forma Superlativa
peaceful more peaceful
most peaceful
pleasant more pleasant
most pleasant
careful more careful
most careful


This day is more peaceful than yesterday.

Max is more careful than Mike.



Of all the taxi drivers, Jack is the most careful.

That house in the forest is the most peaceful in the world.



Three or more syllable Adjectives

For adjectives with three syllables or more, you form the comparative form with more and the superlative with most. Para adjetivos de tres o más sílabas se crea la forma comparativa con la palabra more y la forma superlativa con la palabra most.

Adjetvos 3 ó mas sílabas

Forma Comparativa Forma Superlativa
generous more generous
most generous
important more important
most important
intelligent more intelligent
most intelligent


Kack is more generous than John.

Health is more important than money.



Of all the people i know, Mark is the most important.

Mary is the most intelligent person i know.




There are some exceptions to the rules listed above. Hay algunas excepciones a las reglas mencionadas anteriormente.

Adjetvos Irregulares

Forma Comparativa Forma Superlativa
good better best
bad worse worst
far farther farthest
little less least
many more most


Italian food is better than American food.

My cooking is worse than your cooking.



My dog is the best dog in the world.

Of all the sutdents in the class, John is the worst.



Present Simple Tense

We use the simple present tense to describe routines, habits, facts and permanent things. 

Utilizamos el tiempo presente simple para describir rutinas, hábitos, hechos y cosas permanentes.


They drive to Monaco.

Water freezes at zero degrees.

We are in the zoo.

He drinks tea at breakfast


To form present simple tense sentences we use the base form of the verb (go, work, speak, study). But with the 3rd grammatical person in singular (he, she, it) the base form of the verb changes.

Para formar oraciones en tiempo presente simpe usamos la forma base del verbo. Pero con la tercera persona gramatical en singular, la forma base del verbo cambia.



  • In general the third personal singular is formed by adding –s to the base verb. En general la forma singular de la tercera persona es formada al agregar –s al verbo base.


Work  ----->   He wants

Need  ----->   She needs

 Want  ----->   It wants


  • If the base verb ends in ss, x, ch, sh, o, we add –es at the end of the base verb. Si el verbo base termina en ss, x, ch, sh, o, agregamos –es al final del verbo base.


Pass    ----->   He passes

Fix       ----->  She Fixes

Catch  ----->   It catches

Push    ----->   He pushes

Go       ----->   She goes


  • If the base verb ends in a consonant + y, then replace the –y for –ies. Si el verbo base termina con una consonante + y, entonces se reemplaza la –y por –ies.


Fly   ----->   It flies

Cry  ----->   She cries

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Affirmative Form:

The right structure to write sentences in affirmative form in present simple tense is. La estructura correcta para escribir oraciones de forma afirmativa en tiempo presente simple es:


Subject + Main Verb + Complement (Sujeto + verbo principal + complemento)




Subject Main Verb Complement
I walk in the park.
He watches TV.
She tries very hard.
It eats fish.
We go to school.
They arrive tomorrow
You play nintendo.

Negative Form:

The right structure to write sentences in negative form in present simple tense is. La estructura correcta para escribir oraciones de forma negativa en tiempo presente simple es:


Subject + Auxiliary verb + not  + Main Verb + Complement (Sujeto + verbo auxiliar + negacion + verbo principal + complemento)


The verb Do is the most common auxiliary verb, instead of denying the main verb, we deny the auxiliary verb. The auxiliary verb comes always before the main verb. In the case of the third person in singular (he, she, it) we use Does instead of Do and the main verb turns back into its base form.

El verbo Do(Hacer) es el verbo auxiliar más común, en lugar de negar el verbo principal, negamos el verbo auxiliar. El verbo auxiliar viene siempre antes del verbo principal. En el caso de la tercera persona singular (él, ella, ello) utilizamos Does en lugar de Do y el verbo principal vuelve a su forma base.




Subject Auxiliary Verb + not Main Verb Complement
I do not walk in the park.
He does not watch TV.
She does not try very hard.
It does not eat fish.
We do not go to school.
They do not arrive tomorrow
You do not play nintendo.

Interrogative Form:

The right structure to write sentences in interrogative form in present simple tense is. La estructura correcta para escribir oraciones de forma interrogative en tiempo presente simple es:


Auxiliary verb + Subject + Main Verb + Complement? (Verbo auxiliar + sujeto + verbo principal + complemento?)





Auxiliary Verb Subject Main Verb Complement?
Do  I walk

in the park?

Does he watch TV?
Does she try very hard?
Does it eat fish?
Do  we go to school?
Do  they arrive tomorrow?
Do  you play nintendo?